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GFMS System 3R Transformer

GFMS System 3R Transformer

The 6-axis robot solution covers applications in terms of transfer weight from 70-700 kg radial reach up to 3 400 mm and complexed transfer movements and parts handling. It supports 5 tooling system in the magazine. There are 20 different tooling systems which can be prepared for in the magazine. The Transformer 6-axis robot can serve all technologies like EDM, WEDM, Milling, Laser and Grinders.


Modern technology and smart technical solutions using standardised modules ensure cost-effective yet flexible automation.

As with all System 3R products, its open architecture allows it to interconnect and serve different machines.

Interested in learning more about GFMS

Check out GFMS website for more information on the System 3R Transformer and much more!

GFMS System 3R Transformer Miltera.png

How does Miltera utilize the gfms System 3R Transformer

Check Out The System 3R Transformer in Action!

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Industries This Machine Serves

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Customer Electronics
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Located in our High Volume Production Area

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High volume production is handled in our main production

area. While not an ISO Class clean room, the temperature is held to a nominal temperature of 20.00°C +/- 1.5°C. The main feature of this area is our 4 machine GF System 3R robot cell feeding four 5-axis milling machines as well as our Zeiss GageMax shop floor CMM for in process inspection.

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